Financial disclosure statement

Financial disclosure is internationally recognized. It is the most prominent title among developed countries in the fight against corruption. Through it and other tools, they were able to curb corruption and narrow its paths, which resulted in accelerating their development and progress and increasing the income of their people. Such as: Singapore, Finland and others. ... Read More

Manipulation of company funds

It is well known that once a company is incorporated, it acquires legal personality. As a result, it has a financial liability that is independent of the liabilities of its partners. This financial liability consists of the shares provided by the partners, whether in cash or in kind, in addition to the reserve funds that the company builds up during its activity and the profits it realizes from the operations it carries out within the framework of the offer for which it was established. Intangible assets such as patents and the like are also included. ... Read More

Corporate profits and how to protect them

The company aims to make a financial profit and distribute it to the shareholders. These profits realized by the company are the amounts that are added to its liabilities. These profits are the positive outcome of the operations it undertakes, and since these profits are the ultimate goal of the investor and the company's shareholder as well as its creditors. Therefore, they must be protected and criminalize acts that may affect them and diminish their reality and the reality of their receipt and entitlement, whether negatively or positively. ... Read More